Wednesday, 13 July 2011

A bit about my condition

Most people have either never heard of Fibromyalgia and Polyarthralgia and those that have seem to think it is all in the mind. Well believe me my mind could never have been this creative or sadistic. In fact I doubt many peoples minds would be. I will list a few of the symptoms I have below so you can see what I mean.

Severe pain in every muscle and joint in my body.
Inability to move joints easily.
Limbs feel as though made of lead.
pins and needles over limbs
muscle cramps in arms legs, neck and stomach,
Severe insomnia (by severe I mean lucky to get one hour a night)
chronic fatigue. (Imagine every day feeling as if you have swine flu you are that exhausted)
Muscle spasms. not little jumps but where your whole arm or leg just flies out on its own.
Inability to use hands properly
Cant lift things as wrists give way
Unable to walk more than 20ft and thats with a trough crutch as you cant use normal crutches.
Falling over all the time as you seem to have lost all co ordination or your joints just buckle.
Not being able to wash yourself as cant lift arms, need help to get into shower and wash even with bath seat and hands rails.
Stairs are my worst enemy and even with extra rails can take half an hour or more to get up them to go to toilet, which is not great considering irritable bowel is part of fibro.
Then we get to FIBROFOG. OMG where did that come from. I was always miss organised, miss perfect speller and the one who could remember just about everything. Now, I forget to take my pills, dont ask me to remember your name as it wont happen, in fact in the doctors the other day they were calling MY name out and I thought I recognised it but did not realise it was me. You can ask me to do something but you can bet your arse I will forget to do it. My life consists of yellow post it notes everywhere just so I can remember anything.
I can rarely drive now as am rarely well enough to feel safe behind the wheel so am pretty much housebound until my hubby is home from work. I do have an electric wheelchair but live at the bottom of a hill that is too steep for it to get up. I also have a wheelchair that he can push me in but again I have to rely on him.
Thank god for my Occupational therapist and the bits she provided for me or he would have to wipe my bum too :)
The list above is just SOME of the symptoms of this condition and there are many more but I am having a fog day so will tell you about them when I remember. Thank god for spell check or none of this would make sense to as even basic things like spelling or getting the words right is now beyond me. Ok from now on my blogs will be about my day and how it is affected. I just felt I needed to get this out of the way first, so that you had a bit of understanding about what I will be blogging about and perhaps understand if some of what I write does not make sense.

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