Saturday, 23 July 2011

A little catch up

Well I wen to see the Doc. He did not want to discuss ME as he was more interested in my eye/gum infection. So two different lots of antibiotics for those. Plus he has upped my pain killers and Amytriptaline yet again. I am taking something like 12 pills at a time. It is silly.

Not blogged for a few days as have been in awful pain. The worst yet, some people call it a flare up. Myself I just think of it as bad days. The pain makes me feel sick, the sickness makes me hurt more so am stuck on a roundabout at the moment.

On a lighter note, i am feeling much happier in myself. I have realised that regardless of how hubby feels about my condition, it is me that is suffering it daily, not him and his opinion really should not matter.
The worse my symptoms become the more he whines about pins and needles or a pain in his back or how bad his cold is. If only for just one moment he could feel like I do day after day. he would soon shut up and realise a small bout of pins and needles or a small ache in his back or a simple cold is NOTHING compared to this. I would be grateful to feel like that.

I am trying to cheer myself up so am thinking of dying my hair. Have I mentioned that before as I cant remember. Anyway, I have ordered a hair colour stripper to see if that works. if it does I am going to dye my hair blond. I cant go to a hair dresser as the chairs hurts. I cannot lay backwards into the sinks and they take too long and would leave me in agony.
If I do it at home I can use my aids in the shower to wash hair and can sit in a comfy seat whilst waiting.
Plus if I cock it up and go tangerine colour I can send hubby out to buy me a dark dye really quickly :)
I have made many drastic hair disasters from seaweed green to orange stripped (blond dye really can cock up) I have also done some on purpose, Pink, orange and blond hair extensions. I thought they looked cool for all of about 2 minutes until I looked in a mirror. That was £300 down the drain.

I had acupressure off my Physio this week. I cried it hurt so much and have been really awful since then.
Have to go phone is ringing.


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